Herniated Disc Treatment

The spine is an amazing structure, highly flexible yet incredibly strong. Have you ever wondered how the spine manages to accomplish both at once? The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae that provide protection to the spinal cord, and between them are cushioning discs, which space the vertebrae out enough for nerve roots to emerge from the spine. Unfortunately, some people will suffer from herniated discs, which can cause pain and reduce mobility. If you or a loved one are suffering from a herniated disc, come see Dr. James Trussell in Pasadena, Texas.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc occurs when the soft, gel-like disc nucleus bulges outward. When this occurs, the nerve roots may be pinched and other tissues in your spinal column may be put under pressure. Once the disc is out of shape, many patients will suffer from chronic pain. Sadly, this condition often fails to heal on its own even if you get plenty of rest.

The good news is that a chiropractor like Dr. Trussell can provide non-invasive treatment that can ease pressure, reduce pain, and increase mobility. If you live in or near Pasadena, TX, and need help with a herniated disc, it’s time to visit Trussell Chiropractic for lasting care and relief.

Herniated Disc Treatment Options

There are a variety of treatment options, although not all right for each patient. In extreme cases, surgery is needed, although not in most. This is especially true if the herniated disc is treated early on and further damage is prevented. Medications, including cortisone injections, are sometimes used as well. However, the risk of side effects should be closely considered.

Chiropractors can treat herniated discs with less risky treatments, such as chiropractic adjustments. With this treatment technique, a chiropractor can gently manipulate your spine to encourage proper shape and alignment. Spinal decompression machines can be used to slowly stretch out your spine and relieve pressure on the discs. Custom orthotics that distribute the body’s weight more evenly on the feet could relieve pressure on your spine as well.

Crucially, with chiropractic care, it’s often possible to not just reduce pain but also improve your mobility and gain strength. This could reduce the risk of issues in the future. If you’re looking for pain relief, call 713 944 7761 to reach Trussell Chiropractic. Dr. Trussell can help you address your herniated disc in Pasadena, TX. 

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